The Montreal Chinese Hospital Ladies Auxiliary was founded in 1965 and mandated to provide volunteer support to further the mission of the Hospital. This group is composed of women who give their time to increase the comfort of Hospital beneficiaries (residents and Day Center patients).
In addition to helping residents eat, Ladies Auxiliary members visit residents during various Chinese and Western festivals. At Christmas, residents receive a gift of their choice from the Ladies Auxiliary.
The Ladies Auxiliary also organized several fundraising activities each year including the annual Chinese New Year’s dinner dance, which is always a great success!
The money raised through the efforts of the Ladies Auxiliary are invested in many projects, such as visits to cultural attractions or shopping, or subscriptions to Chinese books, magazines and newspapers. Thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary, recipients can watch Chinese TV shows, operas, plays, and poetry readings that are based in Hong Kong, Taiwan or China.
With the money raised by the Ladies Auxiliary, the Hospital is also able to buy equipment that improves the quality of life of beneficiaries which includes wheelchairs, therapeutic baths, exercise equipment, etc.
A Ladies Auxiliary representative is invited to the meetings of the board of directors of the Hospital, but does not have voting rights.
Anyone interested in joining or seeking more information about the Ladies Auxiliary is invited to call 514-871-0961, ext.248.
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